How to get rid of seasonal allergies fast

Is it about time of the year when you start sneezing a lot, itchy/red eyes, dry nose, and it seems like there is no escape other than taking over the counter medication like Allegra, Reactine? You also try to stay inside, windows closed, during the wonderful Canadian summer 🙁 . I have been there, trust me it’s no fun at all. So the journey started on how to overcome this thing called allergy.

I tried many things to overcome the seasonal allergy, tried natural oils, tried some natural & herbal supplements but no luck, only Allegra or Reactine came to rescue most of the time. But medication shouldn’t be the only way to get around them.
After lot of research and self experimentation I reached to a point where I feel in full control during allergy season, mine is Ragweed allergy

Normally, in Eastern Canada  Ragweed allergy starts around  August and goes till mid to end of  October till we get first frost.
Here is what really helped me to get around my Ragweed Allergy, it isn’t fully cured but I hardly took any over the counter medication from last TWO years. Let’s explore each item one at a time, and then at the end I have mentioned my daily steps that I took/taking to attack this allergy.

Eat Dates:

Most of the allergies are due to weak immune system, so my first attack was on boosting my immune system that’s where I started consuming dates. There are so many other fruits  and vegetables that can boost your immune system, but I find dates worked best for me. Dates are easily available, hardly require any efforts to consume, just rinse them and eat but don’t forget to rinse them :). I prefer organic dates only, but you can pick any kind that works for you. My day starts with 2-3 dates in the morning before I do my quick 15 minutes intense work out. Potassium in dates helps to boost the nervous system, Sulfur in dates helps to prevent seasonal allergies.


I rate exercise very high when we talk about overall health and fitness, there is no shortcut. 15-20 minutes invested daily can do wonders, I normally do all my exercises in the basement, maybe I am more disciplined than average that’s why don’t need a gym subscription to keep myself fit, but there was a time when I was lazy but overcame that habit pretty quickly. I do quick 3-5 minutes brisk walk, followed by stretching exercises and finally pull ups. I do pullups on alternate days to give recovery time to my upper body.

I am doing 10K steps challenge from past few months, this has made a huge impact on my overall health. Now I try to find ways to hit my target daily, I started with  2K steps, kept on raising the bar regularly. Let me know if you need some motivation on this.

Moisturize your nostrils with Mustard Oil (non-edible):

This has done wonders to my overall health, due to mustard oil’s thick and lubricated nature it keeps my nose lubricated for longer duration.  Due to that I don’t get much irritation in my nose anymore, plus pollen gets blocked at the nose level instead, a quick rinse throws all those pollens outside which else could have triggered allergy.

But I am very diligent to apply mustard oil to my nostrils daily in the morning and before I go to bed. This step also does wonders for your hairs too, it stops the hair fall and contribute to thicker hairs. Give this a try for a month to see it’s benefits.

Nasal Irrigation:

Nose is considered as a triggering point for allergies, if you keep your nasal passages clean then you can tap your allergies really well, that’s where nasal irrigation is of great help.

It took me a while to master this skill but now I can do it flawlessly. This helped me a lot to control my allergies, I do nasal irrigation before I go to bed. This process clear your left and right nasal passages as it rinse off all the pollens that get stuck deep into those passages. Normally, you get allergy triggers when pollens stay longer in the nose, the earlier you rinse them the better you can control your allergy.

Warning: Nasal irrigation is bit complex process if followed correctly, you need to start it under the expert guidance else you can get into some serious health issues.


We all know good sleep is must but we almost ignore it, not intentionally but due to our busy schedule, office, stress etc. This is another big reason that triggers allergies, remember good sleep paves way to good immune system, it’s bit complex to understand but try it and see the difference yourself. I was under impression that 6 hours of sleep is enough, but I was wrong, you need on average 7 hours of sleep nothing less for sure. I try to get 8 hours over the weekend, but if you sleep more then you will sleepy throughout the day. So make your call accordingly.

Peppermint tea:

Make it a habit to drink peppermint tea specially after dinner, try to make it a habit. Peppermint boosts immunity in addition to numerous other benefits.

At the end I just want to mention that allergies are no fun at all, only those having it know how bad they are. I have been through allergies myself, tried many different ways to overcame them but so far nothing worked.  I did detailed research, did a lot of hit and trials before I came up with my own process that really helped me to overcome my allergies. I hope it helps you too, feel free to share a comment what worked and what didn’t work for you.

Note: Please consult your doctor first before trying any of the above suggestions.

The process that helped me control my seasonal allergies:

  • Eat two to three dates in the morning, if you are diabetic then talk to your doctor first.
  • As part of my early morning routine I go for early morning walk,  it does miracles to your body. Even 10 minutes walk is good to start with, just move your butt out of your home early in the morning to reap the benefits. Before the sun rise walk makes your immune system strong, and we know it’s the weak immune system that’s prone to allergy attacks.

  • Do nasal irrigation before you go to bed, be careful as you need to follow correct practices to do it. Let me know in case you need a post/video on how to do nasal irrigation, I will be more than happy to do it as I am doing it from last 5+ years.
  • Moisturize your nostrils with non-edible mustard oil once in the morning and once in the night. You can use coconut oil instead, but I experienced mustard oil is better as it keeps nostrils moist for longer duration. Remember, mustard oil is one of the main key for allergy remedy, don’t skip this step. Not just allergy remedy, you will also notice positive effect on your hairs, they will stop falling and get thicker.
  • Drink peppermint tea if possible every night
  • Exercise
  • Good Sleep – I would say track your sleep using pen and paper, avoid using any digital device to be more effective.

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