Brain Fog – how to overcome it naturally?

Did you observe a scenario where it takes you sometime to recall something e.g. a phone number, name, address , movie & it’s actors etc.,? Whereas you will notice someone your friend , family member or colleague is able to get the same information on a split of a second? 


If you are writing an exam and there is one formula you revised last night or a day before but you are finding it hard to recall.


if you are in an office meeting and you are struggling to recall something that is important for that meeting where as someone present in that meeting can recall almost anything instantly.


If this happens to you once in a while then just do some other interesting stuff than wasting your time to read this blog 🙂 (remember we value your time), but if this is something you experience quite frequently then you are at right spot, keep on reading. I bet you might find a permanent solution to so called brain fog which makes it hard to retrieve the information.


What Exactly is Brain Fog?

At very high level it is related to:

  • Lack of mental clarity
  •  Poor concentration
  • Inability to focus
  • Memory problems

To make it more simple brain fog is something like fog in actual life you observe in early morning or so, due to its density/intensity it’s hard to drive, move, simply put it’s hard to reach your destination. Now imagine the same fog/unclarity in your brain, when you send a signal to your brain something like find me the phone# or name, then that request/signal takes time to reach/find the destination in your brain where the actual phone# or name  is stored. The real life fog gets vanishes when bright shiny sun comes whereas the fog inside the brain is little tricky to get around, this is where I will help/guide you through.


Before I go further answer below questions for me?

• Do you normally get good sleep?

• Do you wake up at same time every day? 

• Do you follow the same ritual/routine every morning?


If answer to any of above questions is no then those are the areas we need tackle first before we move on to next items.


Mandatory Steps to Reduce/Remove Brain Fog



It’s not how much you sleep, it’s more about the quality of the sleep & how deep you sleep. If you are someone like who go to sleep after an hour in the bed tossing & turning then that means you are either in bed early or there is something in your head that is bothering you. In any case just grab a book, read it to the point where you can hardly open your eye lashes. After this you will definitely get sound/good quality sleep.


Rather than going to bed at same time try to go to bed when you are fully tired & sleepy, listen to your body. There will be time you won’t feel sleepy till 1AM but there will be time when you will feel sleepy by 7PM, in both cases go to bed when your body says so.




Wake Up At The Same Time Every Day:

This is really important step as this will set your tone for good & sound sleep. When I say wake up at same time every day that means 7 days a week. This is one of the building block step to reduce the brain fog. Trust me with practice this can be achieved, benefits are abundant, you can’t even count them. It’s better to be early riser but for now let’s keep it simple if you wake up 7 or 8 AM then stock to it for 7 days a week. In case you get off track to wake up at the same time then read this post




Morning Ritual:

What do you in next 1 – 2 hours after you wake up is normally called a routine. When a routine becomes permanent then that’s termed as ritual.


If every morning you do something different in those hours then that’s an issue, frankly you are confusing your brain. Brain loves to follow the same routine, and that’s when it works at the optimum level, it doesn’t like changes that often. If brain is confused then surely you will have more brain fog it’s as simple as that. 


It’s your brain take care of it, feed it with what it likes than in return it will serve you at its best.




Supplementary Steps to Reduce/Remove Brain Fog


Early Morning Walk:

Consistent & regular early morning walk does miracle to your body, it keeps your brain sharp. About an hour or so before the sunrise, a great shift in energy fills space. Hope, inspiration and peace manifest at this time. At this time, the environment is pure, calm and soothing and the mind is fresh after sleep. If you expose yourself to this great shift of energy it does wonders to you.



Spent Some Quiet Time in the morning:

Quiet time could be as simple as sit in a quiet corner and try to concentrate in your breath, start with 5 minutes initially accordingly you can scale up. Initially your mind will wonder like crazy, and let it be just bring your focus back on breathing.

GREAT TIP: While breathing,  inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will keep your focus on the breath for longer duration, and with time may be within a week or two  you will get hang of it, and that’s the time you will start loving it, you can scale it up accordingly.




I can’t stress more on the importance of affirmations, they work like magic if done correctly. Affirmations when done correctly before you go to sleep, feed data to your subconscious brain, anything that goes to  subconscious part of brain becomes permanent. Simple affirmations could be:

  • “I have the best memory “
  • “I can recall anything quickly”

And you can add more as per your liking and goals.

I you follow above steps religiously then trust me you will notice huge improvements in your memory, concentration, focus and mental clarity.

Before I sign off, if this article added any value to your life then please leave a comment, plus any suggestion for any topic you would like to see from our side. 

Requesting you to share this article with your family and friends if you think it could add value to their life as well the way it had added to mine.


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