Robin Sharma – The 5AM Club – Book Review

The 5 AM Club is another great book by Robin Sharma. In this book he talks about working on your Mind Set, Heart Set, Health Set and Soul Set, and how to work on all the four sets within one precious hour of 5 AM – 6 AM. The title itself is quite powerful, speaks volume about the book.


In this book Robin Sharma shares the importance of taking control of your mornings to elevate your life. Step by step he walks through the process of how to get up at 5 AM, work on all the four sets mentioned above.



There are two main characters the artist and the entrepreneur, both under the guidance and mentorship of Mr. Riley, a billionaire, took the journey to be part of 5 AM Club. Both the artist and the entrepreneur are somewhat struggling in their professional and personal lives, and how their lives turn around day by day when they start getting up at 5AM every morning and followed the practices of victory hour as guided by Mr. Riley.


The author knows who to make the reader read his book(s), I was fully hooked to it couldn’t wait to complete it, was stealing time here and there to complete the book.

In the book, the author will take you to different countries, will indirectly show you the glimpses of what lavish life is. There was something unique in terms of teaching that took place in different countries for the entrepreneur and the artist. There is also a small love story that runs in parallel while the two prepping to join the “The 5AM Club.”


Almost close to the end of the book there is short story on Nelson Mandela’s life in the prison of Robben Island, South Africa, I was deeply touched by that story. That was big bonus as part of this book. Nelson Mandela’s story will reinforce your commitment to the 5AM Club’s victory hour.


There is lot to learn from this book if you have never been an early riser or if you are an early riser then how to optimize your first hour (Victory Hour) after you wake up. Couple of nuggets like working out first thing in the morning is the game changer for me, again it’s not a big workout but small and intense one that gets your sweat going, I have already incorporated this change followed by meditation and journaling.



Moving vigorously shortly after you wake up will generate an alchemy in your brain based on its Neuro Biology, which will not only wake you up full but electrify your focus and energy, amplify your self-discipline and launch your day in a way that makes you feel on fire.



Cortisol is the hormone of fear. Very good scientific data has confirmed that cortisol levels are highest in the morning…SCARY!! 

Early morning workout for 20 minutes will significantly lower your cortisol , therefore, dial you into your top performance.


Early Morning Exercise Releases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ( BDNF):

  • Which supercharges the brain for a winning day
  • Repair Brain Cells
  • Promotes Neurogenesis (New Brain Cells)

The author talks about VOLUNTEER DISCOMFORT. This is also called strengthening exercise. Few Things he shared as:


  • Once a week I slept on the floor
  • Cold showers 

Volunteer discomfort will help to cultivate any habit, if done on daily basis it will increase your self- discipline to entirely new level.



Overall, a great book, 5 star from my side to the book and the author. If you are serious about changing your life in a positive and effective manner, then do read this book.


As Robin Sharma says, you don’t have to implement word by word as mentioned in the book, there is always an option to customize as per your needs.


I too picked few things from the victory hours mentioned in the book, accordingly updated my morning routine by adopting 10-15 minutes rigorous exercises as first thing in the morning followed by hydration, 15 minutes walks and then final 10 minutes meditation. With this new routine I have saved more time compared to my previous Morning Routine .


Few more nuggets from the book below:

“Sit regularly in feeling of gratitude, positive expectancy and love for all that you have in your life.”

“Give more to receive more. Leave lavish tip for servers in the restaurants, house keepers in hotel and drives in the taxi cab. Donate to charities. Do wonderful things for your family and friends without a single thought of any return. A Tsunami of abundance will be sent to you.”

  • Bless your money when you pay your bills.
  • Bless the cashier at the grocery store and the farmers who harvested your food.
  • Bless your legs, eyes, hands, feet everything you have/own


Few WONDERFUL Quotes from the books below:

“Victims have big TVs, Leaders own large libraries”

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end”

“Comparison is the THIEF of Joy”

“If you plan to being anything less than who you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life”

“Rise and shine so you’ll escape the misery of mediocrity”

“Great Spirits have encountered violet opposition from mediocre minds”

“To Regularly do what is hard but important when it feels most uncomfortable is how warriors are born.”

“Successful people have formed habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do”



Keep reading and rising!

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3 Thoughts to “Robin Sharma – The 5AM Club – Book Review”

  1. Majo

    Good review & thanks for sharing, the Creative Passage Team!

  2. Gurvir

    Wow you explained wonderfully some of the great ideas given in the book. Especially after reading about Volunteer Discomfort and quotes in the last section, I am feeling that I should read this book aswell.
    This review done by you is also a five star review. Excellent work

    1. CreativePassageTeam

      Gurvir, thank you for taking time to review our blog, it means a lot to us.
      We are making every sincere effort to share the knowledge and experience that we have gathered one way or another so our readers can benefit from it.
      And yes do get The 5 AM Club book it’s life changing.

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