2 Effective ways to Overcome After Office Fatigue

You are back from the office, you feel like you are almost done for the day, exhausted, and above that making dinner or doing dishes feels like another herculean task.

Your kids are asking you to play with them but your reply is:

“Sorry kids I am very tired and exhausted at the moment after a long day at office, I will play tomorrow for sure”.

Tomorrow comes, but your reply mostly remains the same.

If that’s how your average after office evening looks like then we might have a solution for you.


99.9 % the evening melt down happens due to low hydration levels in the body, research have proven that and there’s tons of data available to validate that research. At times, when you are in the office, be it’s you are working for someone or you have your own gig, drinking water goes to back seat looking at the priorities and escalations you are dealing with. Most of the time our go to drink is either coffee or tea, isn’t that true? And at times you won’t even realize when that cup of coffee came to your desk or got filled 🙂 . It happens when you are too deep into a task, your subconscious hijacks your brain to grab a cup of coffee for you.

Remember, most of our life is run by our subconscious part of our brain, that’s the kind of autopilot life I am talking about. The reason why I mentioned that because at times you won’t be aware that you went to coffee machine, filled up your coffee cup and now back to your desk sipping it, because of your subconscious mind. Remember, every activity that you do repeatedly automatically gets stored into your subconscious side of the brain.

Another clue: you don’t have to think that you use your right or left hand for brush, you just step into your washroom automatically pick the brush put some paste, and starts brushing. Try to be more conscious when you to it today use left hand if you are right handed or right hand if you left handed to do the brush, you will be amazed on the outcome and power of the subconscious part of our brain.

That’s enough of subconscious brain, let’s get back to hydration.

Today when you are back form office then fill up a jug of water take a glass and then sit in one corner. Fill up one glass of water drink it sip by sip, don’t gush it just sip by sip, ones done then fill another glass of water and drink it sip by sip again. Never drink water in standing position that’s as per Ayurveda, but do you own research in case you are curious.

You need to drink minimum of two glasses of water nothing less to see the real miracle of hydration, you might feel bloated after that  but that’s ok, all will settle in next 5-10 minutes. After 10 – 15 minutes or so you will see your energy levels are up again, you are fully ready for the evening. Now you won’t say to your kids I am tired, rather you will call your kids come on let’s have a game of basketball or so.

You should be able to wrap up all the dishes in no time. I am speaking all of this from my own personal experience

Many other benefits of hydration in the evening:

  • Your appetite will improve
  • More energy levels to do all the evening chores like dishes etc. 🙂 , just put on your ear plugs listen to a podcast and you should be good to go.
  • You will focus better and clearly
  • You will get very good sleep


At times you will feel exhausted due to lack of sleep also, so that’s where naps are very handy. Normally nap should be between 13 – 20 minutes, my nap is always 20 minutes long, but I never go a second above that else you will feel tired, so follow your alarm diligently. You can read my article that talks about nap in more detail.

Normally, you are aware if you got good sleep or not, if not then the moment you are back from office, just try to take a nap asap if possible. I have taken nap inside a closet also to escape from my kids 🙂 , so if your desire is strong you will find ways to get your nap. Then after that do the hydration as I have mentioned above, I guarantee you your evening will be way more productive after that.

That’s pretty much, try it and let me know how did it go.

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